I am on a pure rant today so I ask for your indulgence and forgiveness in advance. I will, however return to posting and updating about my work after this.
Today was my first day back to work after being out ill since Monday. You see, one week ago a co-worker (who also happens to be one of my best friends) came to within 3 feet of me and proceeded to tell me she'd been diagnosed with a sinus infection. She goes further to reveal that she'd had a fever but supposedly wasn't contagious. All the while I'm staring at her as if she's grown a head out of her armpit. I asked her to take several giant steps backward but it was too late, I was exposed.
Wouldn't you know it? By Sunday my nose is running, my head is aching, I can't stop coughing, and my throat is swollen, dry, and raw. AND I couldn't sleep because every time I tried, my swollen throat would cover my windpipe and I would awaken gasping for air. Sooooo not fun.
Anyway, I was diagnosed with a sinus infection with a bronchitis possible. You know I was not happy.
Suffice it to say, she now knows that if she has so much as an eye twitch, she'd better keep her distance or I'll have to go all 'Misery' on her. LOL
Have you ever had a similar experience?