Hello to my faithful friends, fellow writers and readers all....
Every so often (more often than I care to admit) I have taken a sabbatical to sweep away the cobwebs blocking my creativity. Through life occurrences, dry spells, and periods of no internet (gasp!) I have finally managed to return, this time to stay and with some exciting news! My short entitled, The Bride and The Barbarian, will be released with Whispers Publishing on December 11th! :-)
I hope you enjoy the blurb I have included and check out TB & TB when it comes out. Happy reading!

An unexpected gift
After a fire destroyed her home and her fiancĂ© abandoned her, Zora Austin did all she could to piece her life back together and forget the Christmas wedding she’d always longed to have. More than a year later she is doing well. Then a day spent at a late Autumn festival takes a turn when a strange vendor lures her into accepting a gift. A crystal containing a tiny medieval warlord. Inexplicably compelled, Zora takes the figurine home with her. The moment her fingertips glide across the top, she is pulled into the crystal and into the barbarian’s very real embrace.
An awaited reprieve
Before the spirited beauty in the bridal gown tumbled into his arms and subsequently freed him, highland warlord, Thedan the Dark had known only a thirst for vengeance and a fierce longing for that which he’d been too long denied…his foretold bride. Convincing her that she is his might be difficult. Finding a way to keep the crystal from reclaiming him for all time may prove impossible. Still, if he can escape the power of the curse, will he choose long awaited vengeance or a new life with his bride in a world so different from all he’d known?