Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day to Day life

Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you know that I'm working as diligently as I can on Whispered Promises in order to meet my self imposed deadline, without rushing it. I will keep you updated as to its progress, as well as submission info and whether or not it gets picked up.
Rest assured, the next time I post (which will be soon), I will be posting excerpts of another novel I have in the works tentatively entitled, A Pirate in Her Past. It's a time-travel romantic adventure about a woman of today who, through a series of mishaps, finds adventure, romance, and herself in 17th century Caribbean being auctioned off to the highest bidding Pirate.
I sincerely hope you all will enjoy the excerpts. For now, I need to hit the sheets. The morning, (and work) comes early. Until we meet again, my friends.



Rachel Cade said...

hey writer doll!!
email me

rachel cade

CV said...

Get your rest and thanks for letting us know more will be coming looking for to the new excerpt. JV

cinquetta said...

OMG!! I found your blog and I stay on you like white on rice. You are not finish with WHISPER PROMISE how much longer. You make me want more.
I need good read. I finish reading UNTAMED nice I like. It was very good...well done!!

cinquetta said...

Don't read just want to keep up with your blog!

Naomi James said...

Hey Cinquetta!

Girl, its been too long! Good to 'see' you.
I'm glad you enjoyed, Untamed. It was my first completed work.
As it stands, I have so many more novels on the table, in various stages of being written, that my eyes are crossing, but in a good way. LOL
Whispered Promises is my priority right now though and I plan to have at least the first completed rough draft done w/in the next few weeks. So stay tuned for news on that.


PS: I know you'll stay on me about my writing and believe me, it will be much appreciated. I need that nudge from time to time. :-)

cinquetta said...

Please send me your email address for some reason I don't see it. I got to keep up with my favorite author so she want forget me.

Naomi James said...

Hey Cinquetta,

I have a couple but the one I'll be using in my writing capacity is this one:

Naomi.james09@hotmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!
